Benchmark Makes Mark At Regional Competition

Last weekend Benchmark Gymnastic took part in our first London Gymnastics Regional Competition and WE ROCKED!!!
Other than the fun of competing against gymnastics clubs from all over London, the aim was for each of the 15 gymnasts we took to achieve a high enough score to be awarded a pin. And I am happy to say that not only did every one of our gymnasts receive a pin, but they went on to achieve the following results across floor and vault in no particular order:
- Polly was 6th on floor, 8th on vault and 7th overall just missing out on a ribbon
- Hannah on top of her gaining her pin came in 14th
- Shane won Gold for overall floor and vault in his age group and won the vault trophy for the highest scoring vault
- Adonia won Silver overall and got the floor trophy for highest scoring floor
- Nathan won Bronze overall and was 3rd highest vault and was awarded the floor trophy for highest floor score
- Reuell won Bronze overall and had the 3rd highest floor score and the 2nd highest Vault
- Kaylin had the 3rd highest vault score and got a 4th place ribbon for the overall competition
- Nevaeh had the 2nd highest vault score and got a 5th place ribbon
- Karmae had the 3rd highest vault and got a 6th place ribbon
- Amirah got the 3rd highest vault and a 5th place ribbon
- Nadiesha was 6th on floor and 8th overall
- Alysia had the 2nd highest vault and 7th overall
- Gabriella Berkley Ageypong won Bronze overall
- Ariah had the 3rd highest floor score
- Gabby Kargbo was 6th on floor and 7th overall
How's that for our first regional competition!
So a big congratulations to Polly, Hannah, Shane, Adonia, Reuell, Nathan, Kaylin, Neveah, Karmae, Amirah, Nadiesha, Alysia, Gabriella, Ariah, and Gabby, for all of your hard work and dedication week in week out. We are all so proud of you and believe in you. Keep working hard and always remember you can achieve anything if you put your heart and soul into it.
And a very special thanks to our coaches Izzie and Janice who helped make this happen and all of the lovely parents who took the time out of their busy schedules to help get their children ready and support them at the competition.
Sometimes being a parent can be a challenging task, especially when juggling being the cook, cleaner, chauffeur, coach, bread winner, homework know the rest!
But here at Benchmark we know that behind every great child is a parent willing, wishing and supporting them on. So thank you! We appreciate you and know you are one in a million…well actually maybe more like 1 in 7 billion!!! :)
So once again well done to everyone. We are proud of you and cannot wait for the next competition to come around.